
26 October 2016

Founder of Wimmera Voices Choir shares Long Memory

New chum to the Wimmera,  Max Pietruschka who has formed the energetic Wimmera Voices Choir based upon the concept of Dr Jonathon Walsh's Choir of Hard Knocks recently shared a beautiful family memory.

As Max's memory much more elegantly states a long held and published view of mine regarding classically trained opera singers trying to perform folk songs,  I share it not only to emphasise my viewpoint but also to publicise another form of folk singing now available in Horsham every Monday night at 6:30 pm at the CWA Hall.

Max's share. (told with an assumed heavy Russian accent):
" My Vather,  Ivan , was a violinist with the Melbourne S.O.. He also used to sing in a magnificent deep voice. He told me when I was only a small boy "Max, ven you zing, zing from ze heart.  Ze greatest opera singer can zing a zong pitch perfect but no-von will remember or enjoy,  BUT zing vrom ze heart and not zing every note pitch perfect and ze audience vill love you and remember you alvays! "

Find out more about Wimmera Sing at: