
21 December 2013

15/12/2013 Purported Dismissal as Member & Presenter for Standing Up for Safe Working Conditions.

On Sunday 15th December 2013 on completing the Gypsy Jack Boggle Show I was confronted by an armed security guard and two committee members who claimed that at a previously held committee meeting on the Tuesday night I had been deprived of my membership of Horsham and District Community FM Radio Inc.

I was held prisoner in the radio station until I handed over my key to the station and my locker. Even having done that I continued to be unlawfully detained. A verbal demand being made that I hand over the parking permit that the secretary 'graciously' drew up after four months of requests to replace the old one made inoperative through the theft of my car registration plates whilst broadcasting. 

Eventually I was let out of the building when the reality sank in that I was not secreting the cardboard permit on my person but that the parking permit was appropriately displayed outside on my motor vehicle's windscreen. 

At present I am awaiting on the secretary supplying information on the authority purporting to legalise this infringement of my rights and membership together with an explanation as to why I am slandered by the committee in this matter. 

As a point of importance I  wish to know why the committee have not safeguarded the members & public by ensuring that electrical equipment is properly maintained and tested according to normal Australian Worksafe practices.

This is particularly relevant as a large group of very young infant schoolchildren were crammed into a small studio only the next day exposing them to these possibly hazardous conditions.

Needless to say the Gypsy Jack Boggle Show and its spin off programme Gypsy Jack's Luscious Late Listen  will not be heard on Horsham's Community Radio until this matter is sorted.