
28 November 2013

The Bohemian Beat Testimonial & Broadcast

Gypsy Jack,
You are doing your community a great service to record these poems, for if we don't take the initiative to record these pieces, they run risk of being lost to us forever. Unfortunately in our economic mindset - archiving is terribly neglected. So it is people like you, who understand the importance of poetic expression and take the initiative to help preserve our poetic history for future generations.
Well done with the quality of the recordings, and the performances are really good too. Soundcloud is an awesome way to share information. Its hard to find available good Australian content so you are certainly not just helping programs like The Bohemian Beat but are also helping save old texts and poetry from becoming obsolete.
Today 28th November I played your performance of A.K. McDougal's "My Songs". It will be broadcast nationally in about two weeks - Sunday between 10:00 & 11:00 am., and the following Tuesday between 00:01 & 01:00 am. 
Thank you and keep up the great work!

06 November 2013

No undemocratic anti citizen TPP in Horsham if you please.

The Mayor, Councillors and Citizens of Horsham Rural City Council Local Government Area,

An Open Letter:

Please don't let the Trans-Pacific Partnership take away our democratic rights as individuals and as a community!

Create a "TPP-Free Zone" here in Horsham.

From leaked text and previous trade agreements, it is clear that the TPP would threaten laws and regulation designed to protect public health, financial transparency, food safety, workers rights, the climate and the environment. It would allow governments to be sued by corporations for lost profit as a result of these ordinances. Yet citizens, labor, environmental, health care, internet/free press, climate justice, green energy and democracy organizations have all been excluded from the negotiations. They cannot see the text, nor comment on it despite the impact of the TPP on all of them.

It is time to be part of the democratic movement of vigorous active participation. It is time to start right where we live, in our own community. It is time to shake off apathy and colonial practices of knuckling the forehead to self proclaimed superiority and outrageous behaviour against the majority.
The people of the Wimmera and Horsham have a history of having taken a harsh land into the 21st century by building some infrastructure, agriculture and a few other supportive industries through hard fought effort. Are you going to allow that to be sold out to rapacious foreign corporations that are more concerned with their fast profits than the welfare of our local citizens?

You won't if you have inherited the decency and community spirit that enabled your ancestors to achieve what they did with the limited resources available to them.

Therefore I urge you to debate this issue and then pass the necessary by-laws to protect your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren from this obscene attempt to enslave you without a whimper.

Gypsy Jack though Richard will do as well as Rjn.

Until 15th. December 2013 you could hear the programme's on Horsham's Community Radio Station 3H 96.5FM - Sundays 1-4 pm The Gypsy Jack Boggle Show. Themes: Australian, Celtic, English, World, Long Sets & Ballads, Classical.

- Mondays 8-12 pm Gypsy Jack's Luscious Late Listen bringing you jazz and late night loving lyrics.
After being bailed up by two committee members and an armed security man the programme ceased. No adequate reason other than the committee's prior malfeasant behaviour and failure to properly provide the local citizens with community radio services as required by their licence has been forthcoming. 

My programme's were all interspersed with Poetry & Good Cheer!

Playlists, links, artistes, history, articles, photos at :

Alternate humanitarian news,jovial banter and views together with friends and artistes at : Now defunct

Samples of poetry performed by Rjn on the programmes and some artistes shared and followed on Soundcloud:

"Tune in or Chew Your own Ears Off"

"Peace, health & fulfilment to everyone."